A wallpaper, also referred as a desktop background, is an image displayed behind the graphical user interface when the computer’s desktop is visible. In simpler terms, it is the picture, pattern or color you see on the screen after the computer has booted up. If you are interested in changing your wallpaper to something related to Banjo-Kazooie or Yooka-Laylee, this page on the website could be of interest to you. Here you are able to find various high-resolution wallpapers that have been upscaled by a special tool, which means you can stretch or crop the wallpaper to a smaller size without reducing its quality. If your operating system is Windows and you want to download a wallpaper, simply hover over the desired image and right-click to select the option, Save image as. After that, you must specify a location for example a folder on your device where you want to save the wallpaper. Once your download is complete, go to the location where you’ve saved the wallpaper and right-click the file. Now choose the option, Set as desktop background, to change your background to your selected wallpaper. Also depending on the size of your screen, you may need to adjust the scaling, which you can do by right-clicking an empty spot on your desktop to select Personalize and Desktop background. In addition, the window that appears on the screen also includes the standard wallpapers for Windows, in case you want to switch back. To change the wallpaper on Mac, download the image you want to use, then go to System Preferences and select Desktop & Screen Saver. Click on the Desktop tab, and either click the plus button to add it or drag and drop it onto the tab. In addition, you can adjust the scaling by selecting one of the options under the Fit heading, including fill the screen, fit to the screen, or center on the screen.