
Boss Boom Box

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Boss Boom Box is a boss who makes his first appearance in the game Banjo-Kazooie. There he guards a Jiggy that belongs to the evil witch Gruntilda in a large compartment located in Rusty Bucket Bay. Also, Boss Boom Box is a larger version of the classic Boom Box enemies, which can be found in containers around the ship. However, unlike the classic Boom Boxes, Boss Boom Box does not detonate himself once he is in close proximity to the player. Before the player is able to encounter Boss Boom Box, he must first destroy a heavy iron door that is blocking the entrance to his compartment. This can be accomplished by using the yellow crane on the opposite side of Rusty Bucket Bay’s ship. By pressing the red switch that resembles an arrow by using Kazooie’s Beak Barge ability, a large box filled with dynamite will fall to the ground, causing the iron door to shatter and allowing access to Boss Boom Box’s compartment. Inside the compartment, players will initially encounter what appears to be an unfinished box on the ground, along with a Jiggy in the center. However, once the player approaches the Jiggy, the parts on the ground will start to form into a massive box that reveals itself to be Boss Boom Box. He’ll then proceed to taunt the player, claiming to have hidden his Jiggy and attacking him in the process. Also, Boss Boom Box makes an appearance in Grunty’s Furnace Fun at the end of the game where he presents a time challenge to the player. In order to defeat him within seventy seconds, it is highly recommended to perform Kazooie’s Wonderwing ability instead of other attacks to ensure a swift victory.

» Battle Procedure

In the battle with Boss Boom Box, players will notice that he behaves differently from the classic Boom Box enemy. Unlike the classic version, Boss Boom Box will not detonate himself once he is close enough to players. Instead, he’ll hop around and try to flatten them. Furthermore, he does not have any particular vulnerabilities, so players can use any attack they wish to deal damage to him. However, once Boss Boom Box takes enough damage, he’ll start to split himself into two smaller versions of himself. These smaller versions will chase after players and hop around even faster, making it more difficult for players to avoid them. One of the best fighting approaches for Boss Boom Box is to attack only one of the two boxes when he first splits himself. This is because attacking both boxes at once will quickly fill the room with smaller versions of him, making it more challenging to avoid and defeat all of them. Another recommended fighting approach would be to use Kazooie’s Wonderwing ability, which players can obtain in Clanker’s Cavern. This will allow players to defeat all versions of Boss Boom Box with a single hit and make them invulnerable to any kind of attack. As soon as all of them have been defeated, the last box will reveal a Jiggy. At this point, he will surrender and claim that he didn’t really want the Jiggy anyway. Interestingly, a glitch in Banjo-Kazooie allows players to grab Boss Boom Box’s Jiggy without defeating him. To trigger the glitch, players must enter his compartment and fire Blue Eggs in his direction, causing him to take damage and forget to pick up the Jiggy, allowing players to simply grab it for free.

» Additional Information


   Who dares enter Boss Boom Box’s hold?

   I’ve hidden my Jigsaw.

   You’ll never get it!

   Arrg … you’ve splintered me!

   Take this, I didn’t want it really…