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In Banjo-Kazooie, players will encounter the Zubbas, who are a ferocious gang of yellow hornets with black stripes. These insects reside in a huge beehive located in the game’s ninth world Click Clock Wood. In order to access their hideout, players must scale the towering tree at the heart of the world and break the door on top of the hive by using Kazooie’s Beak Buster ability. Inside the hive, players will find the Zubbas fiercely guarding a golden Jiggy belonging to the wicked witch Gruntilda Winkybunion. Also, they’re extremely territorial and will attack any trespassers that try to steal their valuable treasure. As soon as Banjo and Kazooie enter the hive and step off the big stack of honeycombs, a Zubba becomes aware of their presence and turns hostile. After a brief exchange, where one of the Zubbas alerts the others they’ll swarm Banjo and Kazooie, emerging from the ground and attacking with their deadly stingers. Zubbas are often underrated enemies but their quick attacks make them dangerous when the player is low on health. However, players can defeat them easily by utilizing the Wonderwing ability, a technique that can be learned from Bottles in the game’s third world, Clanker’s Cavern. With the Wonderwing, they can vanquish all Zubbas with a single hit and render themselves impervious to all attacks. As soon as ten Zubbas are defeated, they’ll surrender and remove the glass around the Jiggy, allowing players to grab it in the center of the room, while gaining access to enter Zubba’s Nest at any point in the game.

» Zubba's in Banjo-Tooie

Within the world of Banjo Tooie, players will have the opportunity to encounter the Zubbas once again. However, this time, they will be presented as enemies that roam around the vibrant Cloud Cuckooland. Although they may not appear to be particularly strong individually their quick dash ability to push Banjo and Kazooie off the floating islands in Cloud Cuckooland poses a significant threat. In addition to their appearance as enemies, players will come across a beehive belonging to the Zubbas. Their hive can be found at the very top of the Central Cavern inside the mountain and players must find a Glowbo to gain access to it. As soon as players acquire the Glowbo, they will be able to transform into a Bumblebee through the magic of Humba Wumba. After that, they must fly up to the hive, where they will find a statue of a Zubba holding a target in its hands. The challenge for gaining access is to hit the target twenty times within a certain time. Once players successfully complete the challenge the entrance door will open up, allowing them access to the beehive. Inside, players will have the opportunity to participate in an exciting mini-game in which they must use the Bumblebee’s stinger ability. The aim is to defeat different colored Zubbas that are flying around inside the hive, and players must score at least forty points to receive a Cheato Page as a reward, and if they manage to score fifty points, they will be rewarded with a Jiggy.

» Additional Information


   Nice zzzhooting! You zzzcored enough to win zzzecond prizzze.

   Bzzz…the honey bear! He’s after Grunty’s golden honey piece, sting him Zubbas!

   Nice zzzhooting! Why not come inzzzide?

   Bzzarrg…he’s beaten us! Oh well, we were getting bored of guarding it anyway…

   Bzzz…nothing for you now, bear, we’ve all moved out!