
Mingy Jongo

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Mingy Jongo, an evil robot created to destroy the game’s protagonists, is a twisted version of the friendly shaman Mumbo Jumbo, and was constructed by the antagonist Gruntilda, the notorious witch. Mingy Jongo is a boss who is located in the game’s final world, Cloud Cuckooland, where he rests in one of two differently colored Mumbo Skulls around the Central Cavern. In addition to his mission to defeat the game’s protagonists, Mingy Jongo also has one of the Jiggies in Cloud Cuckooland, providing him with energy that can only be earned by defeating him. Upon entering the second floor of Mingy Jongo’s home, it appears at first as though Mumbo Jumbo is sleeping on his chair. However, as Banjo and Kazooie approach, the shaman awakens, telling that he has a special surprise in store for them. Mingy Jongo then brandishes his magic wand whereupon he attacks them without hesitation. Once the battle commences, Mingy Jongo’s eyes turn red, and his voice changes from Mumbo Jumbo’s voice to a robotic version, making his evil nature all the more apparent. Before the battle begins, Mingy Jongo activates a system that causes a door to appear, closing off the exit of Mumbo’s Skull trapping Banjo and Kazooie inside. Furthermore the color of Mumbo’s Skull, where Mingy Jongo can be found varies for each save file, meaning that he is located either in the red skull or the blue one. However, there is an easy way to determine in which skull Mingy Jongo is located. In the center of the lobby in Mingy Jongo’s Skull, players can find a Jinjo inside the green beam, while a Minjo can be found in Mumbo Jumbo’s real skull.

» Battle Procedure

Mingy Jongo’s abilities and imposing presence make him one of the most challenging bosses in Banjo-Tooie. Once the battle starts, he stands tall, shooting deadly lasers at players forcing them to dodge. After a few shots, however, Mingy Jongo takes a short break to recharge, creating an opening for players to launch their counterattack. While Mingy Jongo doesn’t have any specific weaknesses, players can employ a variety of attacks to whittle down his health though Kazooie’s Rat-a-tat Rap and Banjo’s Roll technique are particularly effective. Each time players manage to deal damage to Mingy Jongo, a small part of him that resembles Mumbo disappears, revealing the robot’s true, robotic nature. With every landed hit, he becomes more agitated, and he begins to empower his magic wand making all his projectiles even more deadly and capable of tracking the players movements. By the time he’s taken four hits, Mingy Jongo ups the ante by changing locations after each shot, making it harder for players to land a blow. However, Mingy Jongo still takes a break after a few seconds, providing players with brief opportunities to strike. As soon as Mingy Jongo has lost all of his eight health points, he begins to realize that his chances of victory are slim to none. In a last-ditch effort, the robot calculates his odds and comes to the conclusion that he cannot win the battle against Banjo and Kazooie. Because of this report, he then initiates his self-destruction , leaving a Jiggy behind for Banjo and Kazooie to collect as a reward.

» Additional Information


   As you see, there’s no escape and resistance is futile!

   I’m Mingy Jongo and your worthless quest ends here…

   Har-har-harrr! Foolish bear, you fell straight into my trap!

   A few more shocks from my stick seem necessary…

   Bzzarrgh! My elaborate disguise is ruined, revealing my evil cybotic-ness!