
Vendi’s Tonics

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In the Yooka-Laylee games, players may have come across a special collectible called Tonics, a special feature that can be used to modify the gameplay. Some of these Tonics make the game more manageable such as those that increase the protagonist’s butterfly energy or enhance the effectiveness and power of certain techniques. Others grant Yooka and Laylee additional moves such as the Hunter Tonic that plays a tune when they’re close to a collectible. The Hoarder Tonic is another example of a Tonic that provides additional functionality to the protagonists, allowing them to collect Quills with Yooka’s Tail Twirl technique. However, not all Tonics in the game make it easier for players to progress through the adventure in Yooka-Laylee games. Some of them will impose challenges and disadvantages on the player, such as reducing the protagonist’s health bar or removing every checkpoint except one, making it necessary for players to repeat multiple sections of a world if they fail. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose Tonics wisely and determine which ones will help players to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. In order to activate Tonics players must seek out for Vendi, a yellow vending machine with a red hair ribbon. She is the only one who can unlock and equip Tonics for players, while giving a short Tonic description including its effects. Before a Tonic can be equipped, players have to first complete certain tasks such as defeating enemies, whereupon Vendi will inform the player that a new Tonic got unlocked.

» Tonics in Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair

In Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Tonics make a return and offer players the same effects seen in the previous game, while obtaining Tonics has changed. Rather than being rewarded for completing specific tasks, players must now search for scattered Tonics throughout the game’s hub world, Royal Stingdom. The search for some Tonics is made easier by multiple Plankers that are scattered around in the hub world. These helpful characters will provide players hints about nearby Tonics in exchange for some Quills. Once a Tonic is found, it can be purchased by using some Quills, with a few ones in the game being unlockable for free. In addition, it’s vital to choose Tonics wisely because depending on which ones are equipped, the Quills Multiplier at the end of a world will be affected either in a positive or negative way. For instance, using too many positive Tonics will significantly decrease the amount of Quills earned, making it harder to purchase new ones in the game. In contrast to the first game, players are no longer restricted to using just one single Tonic at a time. They can now have up to four slots, providing players more opportunities to customize gameplay. One special Tonic in Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair is the Golden Try, which is granted to players who manage to make it through the antagonist’s Impossible Lair on the first attempt, while only a few players have managed to unlock this valuable Tonic.

» List of Collectibles


Vendi’s Tonic #01 – Wellard

Find and collect five Pagies in the game to gain an additional butterfly energy.

Vendi’s Tonic #02 – Super Slam

Stun thirty enemies by using the Buddy Slam to empower this technique.

Vendi’s Tonic #03 – Livewire
Beat Rextro’s Highscore three times to regenerate the power meter faster.
Vendi’s Tonic #04 – Hoarder
Collect three-hundred Quills in the game to make Lizard Lash pick up Quills.
Vendi’s Tonic #05 – Hunter

Find any two Power Extenders to let a tune appear once an item is nearby.

Vendi’s Tonic #06 – Peekaboo

Defeat ten Corplet Security Cameras to make Yooka’s invisibility last longer.

Vendi’s Tonic #07 – 64-Bit

Get the latest update of the game to turn the graphics into Nintendo 64 style.

Vendi’s Tonic #08 – Baller

Defeat hundred enemies to make Yooka’s Reptile Roll consume less energy.

Vendi’s Tonic #09 – Bruiser

Find ten Pagies in the game to restore two health points with Yooka’s Slurp Shot.

Vendi’s Tonic #10 – Fallproof

Collect ten Ghost Writers to become invulnerable against high fall damage.

Vendi’s Tonic #11 – Salmon

Defeat ten Corplet Marines to make Yooka’s breath last longer underwater.

Vendi’s Tonic #12 – Loaded

Collect fifteen Ghost Writers to increase the duration of buffs from Berry Bushes.

Vendi’s Tonic #13 – Butterthree

Defeat Capital B at the end of the game to have a reduced butterfly energy bar. 

Vendi’s Tonic #14 – Athlete

Beat Capital B at the end of the game to increase the size of the power meter.

Vendi’s Tonic #15 – Helium

Defeat Capital B at the game’s end to increase the pitch of character’s voices.

Vendi’s Tonic #16 – Pants

Find and collect all Pagies in the game to make Yooka wearing a pair of pants.


Vendi’s Tonic #01 – Catchee

You’ll unlock this Tonic automatically after talking to Vendi for the first time.

Requires 0 Quills

Decreases Quills by 10%

Makes it easier to catch Laylee

Vendi’s Tonic #02 – Thick Skin

Can be found behind a hidden path located North-West of Chapter 6.

Requires 350 Quills

Decreases Quills by 20%

Yooka’s invincibility lasts longer

Vendi’s Tonic #03 – More Checkmates

Inside an underground cave that can be found South-East of Vendi.

Requires 250 Quills

Decreases Quills by 20%

More Checkmates in Chapters

Vendi’s Tonic #04 – Less Checkmates

Located inside an underground cave that can be found South-East of Vendi.

Requires 0 Quills

Increases Quills by 100%

One Checkmate in Chapters

Vendi’s Tonic #05 – TickTockTickTock!

On the right walkway of Hivory Towers and requires all Bee Guards to access it.

Requires 500 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Time runs faster in Chapters

Vendi’s Tonic #06 – Tick… Tock…

On the left walkway of Hivory Towers and requires all Bee Guards to access it.

Requires 500 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Time runs slower in Chapters

Vendi’s Tonic #07 – Slow Mo

On a ledge near Nimbo’s Lake and can be reached after the Pagie Challenge.

Requires 1000 Quills

Decreases Quills by 30%

Yooka can slow down everything

Vendi’s Tonic #08 – Tri-Twirl

On the high brick walkway that is located on the West Side of Chapter 4.

Requires 600 Quills

Decreases Quills by 30%

Allows to perform three Spins

Vendi’s Tonic #09 – Super Buddy Slam

In the center of the Shortcut Room once all four Tonics have been picked up.

Requires 750 Quills

Decreases Quills by 20%

Buddy Slam knocks down Quills

Vendi’s Tonic #10 – Super Sonar

Buddy Slam in front of the cage in the Forest Grove to reveal a key and open it.

Requires 1500 Quills

Decreases Quills by 20%

Laylee can use Sonar Splosion

Vendi’s Tonic #11 – Tough-Twirl

Can be found in a small cave that is located next to Planker in the Beach Area

Requires 500 Quills

Decreases Quills by 40%

Twirl Jump deals damage

Vendi’s Tonic #12 – Torpedo

Perform the Buddy-Slam on the island located South-West of the Beach Area.

Requires 500 Quills

Decreases Quills by 40%

Underwater Dash deals damage

Vendi’s Tonic #13 – Googly Eyes

This Tonic can be found next to the long river that is leading to Chapter 5.

Requires 750 Quills

Increases Quills by 50%

Enemies have increased health

Vendi’s Tonic #14 – Broken Controller

Find The Great Rampo in a cave and use a bomb to shatter his teeth for a Tonic.

Requires 500 Quills

Increases Quills by 30%

Player Controls are inverted

Vendi’s Tonic #15 – Run Faster

Inside a small cave that is located behind the waterfall of Nimbo’s Lake.

Requires 150 Quills

Decreases Quills by 10%

Small Movement Speed Bonus

Vendi’s Tonic #16 – Run Even Faster

Can be collected behind a fake wall in the far East of the Secret Area.

Requires 500 Quills

Decreases Quills by 20%

Huge Movement Speed Bonus

Vendi’s Tonic #17 – Roll Faster

Inside the small cave that is located behind the waterfall of Nimbo’s Lake.

Requires 150 Quills

Decreases Quills by 10%

Reptile Roll becomes faster

Vendi’s Tonic #18 – Roll Even Faster

Behind a fragile wall located in a cave that is on the West Side of Chapter 20.

Requires 500 Quills

Decreases Quills by 20%

Reptile Roll becomes super fast

Vendi’s Tonic #19 – Spider-Cham

Behind a gate of the Shortcut Cave and must be entered near Chapter 2.

Requires 350 Quills

Decreases Quills by 30%

Increased climbing speed

Vendi’s Tonic #20 – H2Go

Inside the Shortcut Cave and must be entered from the South Side of Chapter 9.

Requires 350 Quills

Decreases Quills by 30%

Increased swimming speed

Vendi’s Tonic #21 – Snow Problem

Behind a gate of the Shortcut Cave and must be entered near Chapter 12.

Requires 350 Quills

Decreases Quills by 30%

No slipping on icy platforms

Vendi’s Tonic #22 – Sounds Like Secrets

Can be found on a shelf inside the building that is located in the Canyon Area.

Requires 750 Quills

Decreases Quills by 20%

Secrets play a tune when nearby

Vendi’s Tonic #23 – Secret Sonar

Use the Buddy Slam a few times on the triangle of rocks in the Beach Area.

Requires 750 Quills

Decreases Quills by 20%

Laylee’s Sonar reveals secrets

Vendi’s Tonic #24 – T.W.I.T. Coin Banker

Can be picked up next to Vendi after completing the Pagie Challenge.

Requires 750 Quills

Decreases Quills by 20%

T.W.I.T. Coins stay collected 

Vendi’s Tonic #25 – Quill Banker

Underneath the first hexagon that is located next to Queen Phoebee.

Requires 750 Quills

Decreases Quills by 30%

Quills stay collected

Vendi’s Tonic #26 – Quill Magnet

Use the Buddy Slam in the middle of the bridge leading to Shipwreck Creek.

Requires 1500 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Attracts all Quills nearby

Vendi’s Tonic #27 – Quillsplosion

Use the water berries above the entrance door on the seed near Chapter 11.

Requires 1500 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Quill Effect upon defeat

Vendi’s Tonic #28 – Flower Hour

Push down the crate above Chapter 5 and use it on the switch to stop the fans.

Requires 250 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Flower Effect upon defeat

Vendi’s Tonic #29 – 4th Tonic Slot

In the Canyon Area talk to Trowzer and pay him 30 T.W.IT. Coins for this Tonic.

Requires 2500 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Adds an additional Tonic Slot

Vendi’s Tonic #30 – RES Colours

On a high walkway near Chapter 10 and can be reached by using the swing.

Requires 400 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

8-Bit Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #31 – RES Resolution

On a ledge near a swinging platform located inside the cave of Chapter 10. 

Requires 240 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Pixelated Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #32 – GB Colours

Climb up the ship in Shipwreck Creek and flick the helm to reveal a platform.

Requires 400 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Green and Yellow Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #33 – GB Resolution

Head over to Shipwreck Creek and perform the Buddy Slam on the towels.

Requires 144 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Heavy Pixelated Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #34 – VHS

On a ledge inside the cave of Chapter 10 and is located on the right side.

Requires 150 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Retro TV Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #35 – DerorriM

Inside Dr. Puzz’s Building that is located on the right side of Shipwreck Creek.

Requires 250 Quills

Increases Quills by 30%

Screen is flipped horizontally

Vendi’s Tonic #36 – nwoD edispU

Use the Buddy Roll against the wall inside the building near the No Yooka Sign.

Requires 250 Quills

Increases Quills by 30%

Screen is flipped vertically

Vendi’s Tonic #37 – Painted

On the beach use the map and press X on the spot to get the Tonic underwater.

Requires 300 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Painting Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #38 – Felt Tip Outline

Perform the Buddy Slam on the flag’s shadow that is next to Nimbo’s Lake.

Requires 150 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Black Outline Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #39 – Rainbow

Drag the stump into the hole to reach the Tonic on the left side of Nimbo’s Lake.

Requires 250 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Screen changes color over time

Vendi’s Tonic #40 – Dot Matrix

Inside a cave of the Beach Area that is located behind the Blamphibian Angler.

Requires 250 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Monochrome Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #41 – Comic

In the Canyon Area use the red pipe to enter a window and access the Tonic.

Requires 350 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

White Screen Filter with Outlines

Vendi’s Tonic #42- Gritty Comic

Use the Buddy Slam on the right-hand post of the fence in front of Nimbo.

Requires 1000 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Screen Filter with Heavy Shading

Vendi’s Tonic #43 – Shadow Stingdom

Can be found behind a fake tree wall that is located South of Chapter 7.

Requires 1000 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Full Black Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #44 – Spotlight

Buddy Slam on the pillar that is next to a fire berry bush in the Secret Area.

Requires 750 Quills

Increases Quills by 50%

Chapters have no more lights

Vendi’s Tonic #45 – Yooge Head

Perform the Buddy Slam on the fern that is located opposite of Vendi. 

Requires 250 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Yooka’s Head becomes larger

Vendi’s Tonic #46 – Yooman

Can be found under the wooden bridge that is located near Chapter 6.

Requires 350 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Yooka looks like a Human

Vendi’s Tonic #47 – No Tailee

In the Canyon Area use the Buddy Slam in the top left corner next to Planker.

Requires 350 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Yooka’s tail is missing

Vendi’s Tonic #48 – Cartoony

In the Beach Area save the shopping trolley from the sharks to reveal this Tonic.

Requires 250 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Yooka and Laylee are cell shaded

Vendi’s Tonic #49 – Shadow Puppets

Use the Reptile Roll against a tree that is located East of the Canyon Area.

Requires 250 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Turns Yooka and Laylee black

Vendi’s Tonic #50 – Golden Try

Start a new game and successfully beat the Impossible Lair on the first try.

Requires 0 Quills

Increases Quills by 100%

Turns Yooka and Laylee into gold

Vendi’s Tonic #51 – Chameleon Colours

Use the switch to reveal a cave in the ground that is located East of Chapter 14.

Requires 600 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Allows to change the skin color

Vendi’s Tonic #52 – Blockbuster Film

Perform the Buddy Slam in front of Planker who is located next to Chapter 3.

Requires 150 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Blockbuster Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #53 – Arthouse Movie

Use the Buddy Slam in the corner next to the ice berries located at Nimbo’s Lake.

Requires 150 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Arthouse Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #54 – Saturated Film

Buddy Slam in front of the flowered vine near the Giant Cave and Chapter 14.

Requires 150 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Saturated Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #55 – Gritty Film

Enter the cave on the West of the Canyon Area and Buddy Slam the right patch.

Requires 150 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Grittier Colored Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #56 – Vintage Film

Go to the pillar of Mrs. Blowy in the North and Buddy Slam the bottom left corner.

Requires 150 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Vintage Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #57 – Sepia Film

In the Canyon Area perform the Buddy Slam on the moving underground. 

Requires 150 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Sepia Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #58 – Black & White Film

Complete Chapter 7 to get on the other side of the gate and reach the trunks.

Requires 150 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Black and White Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #59 – Noir Film

Can be found on the top of Dr. Puzz’s building that is located in Shipwreck Creek.

Requires 150 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Noir Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #60 – Negative Film

Stop Kartos near Chapter 20 and use the crate to reach the Tonic on a pillar.

Requires 300 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Inverted-Colored Screen Filter

Vendi’s Tonic #61 – Cinematic Ratio

Buddy Slam the corner of the path that is located to the left of Chapter 5. 

Requires 100 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Screen has 3:1 aspect ratio

Vendi’s Tonic #62 – TV Ratio

Use the Buddy Slam on the patch of grass behind Planker in Shipwreck Creek.

Requires 100 Quills

Increases Quills by 0%

Display is cut to 3:1 aspect ratio