
Vehicle Basics

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Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts introduces an exciting new feature that adds a new dimension to the gameplay experience, which are vehicles. They are instrumental in helping players to explore the vast and sprawling worlds of the game, as well as tackling Jiggy-Challenges in order to progress in the game. However, players should exercise caution before they attempt to construct multiple vehicles right off the bat. Rather, it is recommended that they first locate some Mumbo Crates in Showdown Town or purchase vehicle parts in Humba’s Shop, near the Jiggy-Bank. Doing so will expand the selection of vehicle parts available in Mumbo’s Motors, thereby allowing the player to add more functions to his vehicles, making them more versatile and better equipped to handle a range of Jiggy-Challenges. Also, to ensure optimal performance, players should take note of the three vital key components required to make a vehicle actually work, including a seat, an engine and fuel. Each Jiggy-Challenge presents its own requirements in the game, such as transporting objects to specific locations or racing against opponents. With this in mind the best strategy is to construct multiple vehicles throughout the game and not to become overly reliant on one. When constructing vehicles, the player should consider the task at hand, and what functions would be best suited for the current Jiggy-Challenge. For instance, when racing against opponents in the game, speed should be prioritized over other functions. Adding too much weight to a vehicle, by using add-ons, can negatively impact the vehicle’s speed, so it’s crucial to strike a balance. 

» Gadgets and Weapons

Gadgets are a special addition in the game, that players can use to augment their vehicles and add new functionalities. These range from firing out a sticky ball that can grab certain objects to Replenishers that will gradually refill the vehicle’s fuel over time. When utilized correctly, gadgets can be incredibly beneficial in Jiggy-Challenges by helping players earn T.T. Trophies even more easily. For instance players can extinguish burning objects by standing in front of it and using the Liquid Squirter, allowing them to complete the Jiggy-Challenge just within a few seconds. Some gadgets, such as the Mole-On-A-Pole, can only be obtained by players who own the re-released version of Banjo-Kazooie, and have obtained all items of Stop ‘n’ Swop by entering special codes in the second world, Treasure Trove Cove. This gadget is incredibly useful, as it allows players to reveal all Jinjos of a world by displaying them on their map in the bottom-right corner. In addition to the gadgets, players can also equip a variety of parts that are classified as weapons and can be utilized to take down enemies like Gruntbots. Equipping a weapon typically requires ammo to function, and the amount of ammo is typically based on the weapon’s strength. For instance, the laser is an incredibly powerful weapon that players can earn as a reward after beating Gruntilda Winkybunion in the fourth world, Jiggoseum. However, it consumes a lot of ammo, meaning that players will need to watch the ammo bar carefully to ensure they don’t run out mid-battle. Also, it is vital to keep in mind that each weapon significantly adds to the vehicle’s overall weight, which can have a massive impact on its performance, meaning players should use them judiciously!

» Weight and Fuel

Weight is often seen by players as a negative attribute that can hamper the speed and handling of a vehicle. However, it is vital to note that weight does not necessarily have an adverse impact on your vehicle’s performance. Rather, its effect will depend on the specific Jiggy-Challenge you are attempting to overcome. In the game’s second world, Logbox 720, there’s a Jiggy-Challenge that requires the player to press some red buttons on the ground by using a heavy vehicle. In this case, using a lighter vehicle would make it for players impossible to beat the challenge. Similarly in Jiggoseum, there is another Jiggy-Challenge that requires the player to push an opponent out of a marked area, and this can be accomplished much more easily by using a heavy vehicle. It is essential to note, however, that weight may also reduce your vehicle’s speed, making it harder to maneuver, especially in certain challenges. As such, it’s vital to strike a balance between weight and speed to ensure that your vehicle performs optimally. You can add small or large jets to your vehicle to increase its speed, but this will come at a cost, as it will consume a significant amount of fuel. To mitigate this problem, you may want to consider adding a Replenisher gadget to your vehicle, which will automatically fill up your fuel and ammo over time. This will help you to prolong your vehicle’s speed and prevent it from running out of fuel in the middle of a Jiggy-Challenge. In conclusion, adding weight to a vehicle can be a positive or negative attribute depending on the Jiggy-Challenge you are attempting to overcome. It’s therefore essential to consider the specific requirements of each Jiggy-Challenge and strike a balance to ensure optimal performance.

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