In the Banjo-Kazooie series, there is a unique character named Mildred, who is a member of the fictional species known as Chinkers. She’s charmingly paired with her husband George and her moniker might be a subtle tribute to the lead female role in the British comedy series George and Mildred. Upon reaching the world Hailfire Peaks, the protagonists are introduced to Mildred. In a twist of fate, she encases a small, friendly creature called Jinjo within her icy form. The heroes, a bear called Banjo and a red bird named Kazooie, are tasked with liberating the Jinjo. This rescue mission involves a bittersweet decision to dismantle Mildred using an array of special moves and spells that Banjo and Kazooie have at their disposal, such as the powerful Beak Bomb or the Bill Drill ability, along with an arsenal of different types of eggs. However, Mildred’s story continues in the game Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, where she is featured alongside her husband George in a winter-themed exhibit within the magical Banjoland. Here they’re portrayed as animated, almost sentient decorations. The game’s design allows them to exhibit a sense of life, particularly in one of the interactive Jiggy-Challenges that entails reuniting George with Mildred after they’ve been separated. From a visual standpoint, Mildred is depicted with classic feminine traits, such as long black eyelashes and red lipstick. In the video game Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, her appearance is further adorned with a charmingly frosted hat and scarf, accentuating the winter theme. Her in game dialogue is carefully crafted to portray her personality and her dynamic with George, often showing a deep concern. The dialogue also highlights her affection for the Jinjo, adding depth to Mildred’s character as someone who holds onto the values of care and companionship.
» Additional Information
✤ I’m Mildred Ice Cube, but I seem to have misplaced my husband, George.
✤ There was this terrible blizzard, and he was whisked off into the sky!
✤ Isn’t it obvious? I want you to go and look for him!
✤ Don’t think you’re taking this little man I’ve acquired either!
✤ Arrrgh! Tell George his dinner is in the …