
Gold Feather

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Gold Feathers are a valuable collectible in the Banjo-Kazooie franchise, with a special use in the game’s mechanics. They are essential to performing Kazooie’s Wonderwing ability, which grants the protagonists nearly invulnerability for a few seconds. This ability comes in handy when facing tough enemies, navigating dangerous sections, or blocking a projectile attack. To obtain Golden Feathers Banjo and Kazooie must find them throughout the game’s different worlds. In Clanker’s Cavern, players are able to locate the mole, Bottles, who teaches them about Gold Feathers and provides them with some to begin with. With each Golden Feather, Banjo and Kazooie can enjoy two seconds of almost-complete invincibility. Every two seconds of Kazooie’s Wonderwing ability consumes a Golden Feather. In addition, Cheato, the red magical book, also offers players cheat codes to double the amount of Golden Feathers they can carry. To obtain this code players have to raise the water to level three and quickly reach the small alcove adjacent to the purple pipe in the lobby of Rusty Bucket Bay, before the timer hits zero. To raise the water to level three, players must press two switches simultaneously. The first one is found in the room opposite of the Rusty Bucket Bay lobby, while the second switch is inside a coffin of the old shack situated behind the entrance door of Mad Monster Mansion. Upon successfully raising the water level and reaching the high-located alcove in the Rusty Bucket Bay lobby, Cheato can be seen, who rewards Banjo and Kazooie with the Goldfeathers code. Once the code got entered inside the Sandcastle of the game’s second world Treasure Trove Cove, the amount of Golden Feathers that players can hold is increased from ten to twenty. In Banjo-Tooie, the protagonists will find Cheato Pages scattered throughout the game’s worlds. Upon finding five of them, Cheato grants them a code to enter in the Code Chamber of Mayahem Temple. Using the code doubles the amount of Red and Golden Feathers that players can carry, making it an extremely valuable cheat code for those looking to expand their abilities in the game. In the handheld game Banjo-Pilot, players can obtain Golden Feathers by placing 7th or 8th in a race. They provide temporary invincibility, speed boost, along with the ability to crash into other participating opponents in order to wipe them out quick. 

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   Lucky you! I’m an invulnerability feather!

   Bottles will tell you more …