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The Wonderwing is a powerful ability in the Banjo-Kazooie series, learnt from Bottles in Clanker’s Cavern, the game’s third world. When executing by holding the Z button and pressing C-right on the controller, Kazooie will shield her friend Banjo with her wings, making the pair invulnerable to harm at the expense of one Gold Feather every two seconds. This ability is particularly effective against most enemies, as they’ll be instantly defeated when touched by Kazooie’s Wonderwing shield. It can also be used to cross dangerous terrain, such as superheated sand or bramble, as well as absorb damage from long falls. The technique’s effectiveness is even more pronounced in Banjo-Tooie, as most enemies will flee at the sight of Kazooie’s Wonderwing ability, sometimes forcing the player to chase them down. The Wonderwing also protects Banjo and Kazooie from being crushed by various hazards, but only when together, as neither of them can use the ability on their own. While the move was useful for various parts of Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie only has one place where the technique must be used, which was the superhot waterfall in Hailfire Peaks on the Lava Side. Also, there are no enemies that can be exclusively killed with the move, making a core benefit of the Wonderwing ability in the first game redundant. In the game Banjo-Kazooie Grunty’s Revenge, this ability can only be activated by pressing the A button while standing on a Wonderwing Pad, and can not be used at any other time. Finally, in the game Super Smash Bros Ultimate, the Wonderwing technique appears as Banjo and Kazooie’s side Special attack. When used, Kazooie covers Banjo with her wings as he charges toward his opponent. Like in its original appearances, Banjo and Kazooie are invincible, but not from being grabbed. However, they can only use the move five times before running out of Gold Feathers. Overall, while the Wonderwing is a powerful tool for the protagonists, its use in later games is somewhat diminished because of the lack of invincible enemies and specific use cases. Nonetheless, its iconic status has earned it a place in the game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where it remains a powerful attack option.

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