
Buddy Bubble

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The Buddy Bubble, a move introduced in the game Yooka-Laylee, is acquired within the game’s hub world Hivory Towers, courtesy of a character known as Trowzer, who generously imparts this skill at no cost, just like all the other techniques obtained in this particular realm. This remarkable technique gives the protagonists the capability to breathe underwater and execute most of their above-water maneuvers while submerged, including the Buddy Slam to activate ground-based switches. To perform this ability, one must simply hold down the RT button on an Xbox Controller while submerged, causing the duo to generate a bubble around themselves. By pressing the RT button again, the bubble can be popped, deactivating this ability for some time. This skill plays a pivotal role in the game’s progression, as exemplified by its first application in activating a switch within the Aquarium located in Hivory Towers, specifically inside the Archive area. Triggering this switch at the aquarium’s base opens up a passageway leading to the Waterworks. Throughout Yooka and Laylee’s adventure, the Buddy Bubble proves its usefulness on several occasions. For instance, it aids Tubbz in the world Glitterglaze Glacier by enabling the creation of bubbles when repeatedly pressing the RT button, a required action for obtaining a rare Pagie. Furthermore, the Buddy Bubble comes into play in Moodymaze Marsh when acquiring the Mollycool. It allows our protagonists to stand on a mushroom-covered cage and perform Laylee’s Sonar Splosion ability to unlock the upper part of the cage. In the Waterworks area of Hivory Towers, the Buddy Bubble ability once again proves invaluable, as it is used to press a ground-level switch, initiating a Hoop Loop Time Challenge that opens a Pagie’s cage upon successful completion. Interestingly, hints about Buddy Bubble’s existence were initially dropped during the Kickstarter campaign, where it was mentioned as part of the move roster designed to enhance the fun, offering players added freedom. Also, a mysterious move, potentially involving a fart bubble, was alluded to as well.

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