
Hailfire Peaks

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Hailfire Peaks is the seventh world in the game Banjo-Tooie, which can be accessed through the hub world Isle O’ Hags. It’s a fascinating location that comprises of two distinct regions, including the Lava Side and the Icy Side. Upon arrival, Banjo and Kazooie will encounter a dragon on each side, who will start firing at them after a specific time period until the dragon of the current side is defeated. The Colosseum situated on the right side of the world entrance offers a diverse range of rooms, such as the Train Station and the Kickball Stadium. The latter presents players with an opportunity to take part in the finals of the Kickball Tournament, albeit the Stony transformation is required to partake. Utilizing a shortcut found inside the Colosseum, players can access Stony Banjo from Mayahem Temple and bring it to Hailfire Peaks, after blowing up a cracked wall with Grenade Eggs. The Icy Side is located on the other side of the Lava Side, and is the antithesis of the former. Everything is frozen and slippery here, making it a challenging location for players to navigate. Within this region, players can find small caves such as the Icicle Grotto, which is home to many rare collectibles. Additionally, they can explore Boggy’s new Igloo, where he has gained some extra weight compared to the previous game due to his laziness. Jamjars, a mole who aids the duo throughout the game, teaches players two new moves in Hailfire Peaks. The Shack Pack allows Banjo to squeeze into tight spaces, while Kazooie gains the Glide technique, enabling her to fly without consuming Red Feathers. In order to gain entry to the world Hailfire Peaks, players have to unlock the entrance door, which is found on an island in the Cliffside of Isle O’ Hags. This can be achieved by collecting thirty-six Jiggies and completing the picture challenge inside the Jiggywiggy Temple. Hailfire Peaks is also home to Mumbo Jumbo’s Skull on the Lava Side where the pink shaman can be used on a pad to repair the rails in the Train Station that was destroyed by Gruntilda. On the Icy Side, players can find Humba’s Wigwam, where they can transform into a snowball, allowing them to activate rusty switches and restore health by rolling in the snow.

» Shortcuts in Hailfire Peaks

In the Hailfire Peaks level, there are several shortcuts that Banjo and Kazooie can use to access other worlds. These shortcuts offer a convenient way for players to move between levels without having to backtrack through previously explored sections. One of the shortcuts is located in the Kickball Stadium Lobby, which is inside the huge Colosseum on the Lava Side. In order to access this shortcut, players must shoot a Grenade Egg at a cracked wall inside the Colosseum. This will open a passage to the Kickball Stadium in Mayahem Temple, which is otherwise inaccessible in the game. To participate in the finals of the Kickball Tournament and earn a Jiggy, players must turn Banjo and Kazooie into a Stony using Humba’s transformation service and return to Hailfire Peaks using the unlocked shortcut. Another shortcut can be found in the lower pool of hot water on the Lava Side. After pressing a switch on the ground as Banjo, a door inside the pool will open and drain the warm water into the pool of Piggles and Trotty in Jolly Roger’s Lagoon. The piglets will reward players with a rare Jiggy for helping them out. While it’s possible to enter other worlds through Hailfire Peaks, players can only access a very small part of those worlds. On the Icy Side of Hailfire Peaks, players can find a huge Oil Drilling Machine, which requires them to use Humba Wumba’s Snowball transformation to press a switch on the ground. This will open up a passage through which players can collect a Jiggy. Additionally, players can enter a small cave on the Icy Side by making it through the Stomping Plains of Terrydactyland with Banjo, where they can pick up a Jiggy. Another small cave can be entered on the Icy Side through the game’s second world Glitter Gulch Mine in the Waterfall Cavern. Here, players can find the Frozen Vault containing the rare Mega Glowbo, which can be unlocked using the Ice Key from the Stop ‘n’ Swop series.

» List of Collectibles


Jiggy #01: To collect the first Jiggy, sprint as Banjo through the plains of Terrydactyland and employ the Snooze Pack to refill your energy while traversing between the footprints. Iterate this method until you reach a switch that you must press to unveil the door and grab a Jiggy.

Jiggy #02: The second Jiggy entails vanquishing the dragons Chilli Billi and Chilly Willy, each located on the Lava Side and Icy Side, respectively. Upon defeating the first one, the second dragon will have twice the health, while defeating him as well will earn you a valuable Jiggy.

Jiggy #03: Boggy the bear is in dire need of sustenance as he watches his new TV. Luckily, a delicious meal can be found in the upper pool of hot water on the Lava Side. Retrieve the fish using Banjo’s Shack Pack ability and bring it over to Boggy, who will reward you with a Jiggy.

Jiggy #04: Following the transformation into a snowball, aim to reach maximum size and roll towards the Oil Drill to locate a rusty switch that you must press. Afterwards, transform back and Split Up to use Banjo’s Shack Pack ability to enter the hole and grab a Jiggy at the end.

Jiggy #05: The Jiggy is situated within the Volcano Cavern, an environment teeming with lava and toxic fumes that diminish your air supply. To get it, you must press all switches scattered throughout the cavern to elevate various platforms to find a Jiggy Switch and reveal a Jiggy.

Jiggy #06: To get this Jiggy, you must compete in the final round of the Kickball Colosseum. A Grenade Egg can be used to destroy a decrepit wall located to the right of the stairs leading to Mayahem Temple, where you can transform into a Stony to take part in the Kickball game.

Jiggy #07: The walls of the Colosseum feature many switches that only one of the characters can activate. To press them, enter the Colosseum and Split Up to switch between Banjo and Kazooie and activate all of the switches, with the final one opening a gate that holds a Jiggy.

Jiggy #08: Near a frozen lake on the Icy Side, Sabreman can be found in a lifeless state. Use Mumbo’s magic to bring him back to life and warm him up with an Fire Egg. Once done, drag him back to his tent on the Lava Side using Banjo’s Taxi Pack to receive a Jiggy as a reward.

Jiggy #09: To begin, switch to Mumbo and journey to the Icy Side to use his magic on the pad to revive the Alien Dad. Next, help him by finding all of his Alien Kids that have been scattered throughout the Icy Side and return them to their Dad in order to receive a Jiggy as a reward.

Jiggy #10: To acquire this Jiggy, Banjo and Kazooie must first free Gobi in Witchyworld. Once freed, he will make his way to the Fire Side Train Station. Follow him and use the Beak Buster on his back, allowing you to use Chuffy and go to the Icy Side where you can find the Jiggy.


   Along the narrow path with Hothands near the Colosseum (10)

   At the very top along a path with Hothands (10)

   Inside a cave at the bottom of the ladder on the Lava Side (10)

   Along the small path near Mumbo Jumbo’s Skull (10)

   On the steps going up to the Oil Drilling station (10)

   At the upper area of the Icy Side inside ice cubes (10)

   On the steps near Humba Wumba’s Wigwam (10)

   Inside the ice cubes near Boggy’s Igloo (10)

   On the left side of the icicle bridge in the Icicle Grotto (20)


Extra Honeycomb #01: Initially, proceed to the Train Station on the Lava Side and ascend to the loading platform. Subsequently, traverse along the train track to the right, allowing you to jump onto the ledge and Grip Grab across to the alcove where the Extra Honeycomb awaits.

Extra Honeycomb #02: Located on the upper left-hand side of the Lava Side you’ll discover a door granting access to the Icy Side. Adjacent to a pool of scalding water lies a ledge which you can Grip Grab across, enabling you to hoist yourself up and grab the Extra Honeycomb.

Extra Honeycomb #03: To grab this Extra Honeycomb, traverse the Icicle Grotto by crossing the icicle bridge over the chasm. By reaching the opposite end, proceed through the reddish passage to get inside the volcano, where in your close proximity lies the Extra Honeycomb.


Glowbo #01: You can find this Glowbo of Hailfire Peaks on the ground outside the building to the left of the world’s entrance door on the Lava Side. The easiest way to reach the Glowbo is by dropping down from the cliff near the very small pathway with Mumbo Jumbo’s Skull on it.

Glowbo #02: Departing from Humba’s Wigwam, walk towards the ocean shore to the left and use the ledge on the wall to Grip Grab across, where the Icy Side’s Glowbo can be observed jumping around. Another approach to reach this area is leaping along the upper pathways.


Jinjo #01: If you encounter Mildred the Ice Cube near Boggy’s Igloo, she will lament the loss of her husband, Gregor the Ice Cube, who can be found in Cloud Cuckooland. To put an end to Mildred’s sorrow, use the Bill Drill ability on her head, causing her to shatter and drop a Jinjo.

Jinjo #02: Within the pool with scalding water located near the Icy Side entrance door, where Boggy’s fish are kept, you’ll find the Jinjo. Utilize the Split Up pads to switch over to Banjo and perform his Shack Pack ability to venture safely into the boiling water and retrieve the Jinjo.

Jinjo #03: Found near the beginning of the icicle bridge in the Icicle Grotto, there is an alcove high up in the wall where a Jinjo can be seen. To reach it, you can either glide over as Kazooie by jumping from the second icicle or use a Clockwork Kazooie Egg for a simpler approach.

Jinjo #04: To reach this Jinjo, Banjo and Kazooie must first hit a switch inside the Colosseum that raises platforms outside. The Jinjo is behind a lava waterfall next to the Colosseum and to collect it, you must stand in front of the lava waterfall and perform Kazooie’s Wonderwing.

Jinjo #05: The last Jinjo in Hailfire Peaks can be seen near a cavern in Biggafoot’s realm, and reaching it necessitates the Snowball Form as the gusty winds will stop you to reach it. Once done, increase your size to maximum, enabling you to ascend the wall and collect the Jinjo.


Cheato Page #01: Utilize the pads next to the third Warp Pad to Split Up Banjo and Kazooie and take Kazooie to the mountain near Biggafoot’s territory. Spring up to each higher crevice on the mountainside until you reach the summit, where you can grab the first Cheato Page.

Cheato Page #02: To acquire this page, make your way to the Colosseum and go behind the pillar to ascend the stairs and find a damaged wall that you can destroy. Doing so will reveal the Claw Clamber Boots, which will allow you to ascend the pillar and grab the Cheato Page.

Cheato Page #03: Inside the chamber of the Icicle Grotto, there exists a diminutive aperture within the wall that Banjo can enter. To access it, utilize the Split Up pads situated outside the grotto and avail Banjo’s Shack Pack to snugly fit into the hole to find the final Cheato Page.