
Cauldron Keep

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Cauldron Keep is the final world in the video game Banjo-Tooie, and it’s an awe-inspiring sight for any player who’s managed to make it that far. Surrounded by a dangerous moat of plasma and towering above the other worlds, the green tower is an imposing structure that’s hard to miss. To reach it, players must first enter the Quagmire of Isle O’ Hags and pass through a laser gate that leads to Cauldron Keep. Once inside, Banjo and Kazooie will find themselves in a series of rooms including the Tower of Tragedy, where they will be pitted against Gruntilda Winkybunion in a quiz game that’s similar to Grunty’s Furnace Fun from the game Banjo-Kazooie. The player’s success in this quiz will determine whether they gain access to the Gun Chamber, where Bottles and King Jingaling can be restored to their former states. As the ramp of the main room in Gruntilda’s Lair is now blocked by heavy rocks, Cauldron Keep has become Gruntilda’s new lair. The entrance to Cauldron Keep is initially protected by blue colored lasers, which can be turned off by pressing a switch located behind the green tower. The player must then navigate around the tower’s moat of purple plasma, which deals damage and throws them back to the platform if they fall in. Once the lasers have been disabled, the player can unlock the door by using the Split-Up pads in front of the main entrance and pressing two switches simultaneously. Interestingly, there is a glitch in the game that allows players to simply jump through the small gaps between the lasers instead of disabling them. While this makes entering Cauldron Keep significantly easier, it’s worth noting that the developers had originally intended for Cauldron Keep to be much more complex. In fact it was originally designed as a huge world with plenty of collectibles to find, including Jiggies and Musical Notes. Even Mumbo’s Skull made an appearance in Cauldron Keep, and players had to use the pink shaman to disable generators or power machines. However, due to time constraints the developers decided to simplify the world and remove all collectibles and magic users.

» The Gatehouse

Upon pressing the switches and unlocking the main entrance door to Cauldron Keep, the player is granted entry to the Gatehouse, which at first appears to be a desolate chamber. However, as players make their way towards the opposite gate, they are suddenly met by Klungo, Gruntilda’s henchman, who challenges them to a last battle. Klungo puts up a tougher fight, utilizing the last potion at his disposal and guarding himself with a barrier, but ultimately loses the last fight after being hit three times. At this point, Klungo decides to abandon his allegiance to Gruntilda, as he grows tired of being punished by her for his failures. He expresses a desire to pursue a career in game development and takes his leave, while the protagonists enter the next room, which is the Tower of Tragedy. In Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, Klungo stays true to his word and develops two games, Hero Klungo Sssavesss Teh World and Hero Klungo Sssavesss Teh Universsse. However they are riddled with bugs and glitches, which have been known to cause the entire video game to freeze and result in lost progress. Despite this, Klungo’s video games have gained a following and are enjoyed by many others. In the next room, players will enter the Tower of Tragedy, where they encounter Gruntilda Winkybunion along with her sisters Mingella and Blobbelda. This marks the beginning of the game’s final stages, leading up to a dramatic and thrilling conclusion.

» Tower of Tragedy

Following the protagonists victory over Klungo in the Gatehouse, the laser of the opposing door becomes disabled, thereby enabling them to gain access to the Tower of Tragedy. This is where the nefarious witch Gruntilda Winkybunion and her wicked sisters, Blobbelda and Mingella, can be found. Located in Cauldron Keep, this section of the game requires players to participate in a quiz that has been designed by Gruntilda. This quiz is reminiscent of the popular Banjo-Kazooie game, known as Grunty’s Furnace Fun. However, unlike the previous game, the Tower of Tragedy has undergone a significant transformation. Players are no longer required to navigate a board with panels containing questions and games. Instead, they must hit a button on the controller to answer questions faster than Gruntilda’s sisters, Mingella and Blobbelda. Once the reply button is pressed, a timer starts counting down, and the process can’t be halted. Replying incorrectly or waiting for the timer to hit zero results in losing some points, and it’s even possible to accumulate negative scores. The quiz is divided into three different rounds, with players aiming to score more points than Mingella and Blobbelda within a predetermined time frame. Failure to outscore them results in being crushed by an iron block, which is suspended above each participant. If players manage to complete all three rounds, Gruntilda retreats to the top of Cauldron Keep, where the final fight takes place. Upon completing the game, the player is treated to a list of credits, and all minigames become accessible in the Replay Mode. Once the credits screen disappears, players are free to enter the next gate opposite the Tower of Tragedy, leading to the Gun Chamber.

» Gun Chamber

The Gun Chamber is a significant section in the game, serving as the room before the final battle against the witch, Gruntilda Winkybunion. This particular chamber is notorious for being used by the witches to steal the life force of others. Upon entering the Gun Chamber, players are treated to a thrilling video clip that showcases the protagonists sprinting down the stairs to confront the machine. In their bid to reverse the settings of the big machine, they make use of the computer’s buttons to restore Bottles and King Jingaling to their previous form. Upon successfully restoring them, players are rewarded with another video clip that shows Bottles eating a burnt meal from his lovely wife. Unexpectedly, Klungo and King Jingaling make an appearance, telling them that they have been saved by Banjo and Kazooie and that it’s time to celebrate. Once the clip is over players can find Dingpot in the Gun Chamber, Grunty’s black cauldron, who played a pivotal role in the game Banjo-Kazooie, helping the protagonists reach the top of the lair in order to confront the witch. He informs Banjo and Kazooie that they can jump inside him for a Dingy Bonus, which restores eggs, feathers, and health points. Also, the Gun Chamber features a large exit door that leads to an elevator, allowing the protagonists to ascend to the top of Cauldron Keep, where the last battle takes place. However, they have to overcome an obstacle, which is another blue laser gate that is blocking access to the elevator. In order to gain access, they must find and collect at least seventy Jiggies and complete the moving picture challenge inside Jiggywiggy’s Temple. 

» List of Collectibles