The Banjo-Kazooie franchise is renowned for its intriguing features, including Stop ‘n’ Swop. This special feature involves six different colored eggs and a huge ice key that can unlock rewards in the game. Originally, the developers intended for players to own both copies, Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie, and collect all the Stop ‘n’ Swop collectibles in the predecessor. As soon as all items were collected, the player was supposed to switch cartridges to transfer all the items over to the sequel. However, due to some revisions in Nintendo 64’s hardware, the ten-second timer during the transfer process was reduced to one second, making it impossible to complete. This resulted in players feeling disappointed but also curious about what the Stop ‘n’ Swop feature could have been. In 2008, the company released an improved version of Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie on Xbox 360, featuring a complete working Stop ‘n’ Swop. This feature not only unlocked rewards in the Banjo-Kazooie games but also on Xbox, such as Gamerpics or Dashboard Themes. In order to access this feature, players needed to first unlock Treasure Trove Cove and then enter a long sentence inside the Sandcastle found within the world. If the code was entered correctly, a short video sequence would appear on the screen, showing the spot of a mysterious item. If the player accidentally hit a wrong letter, they would have to restart with the entire sentence. It’s important to note that the letters on the ground inside the Sandcastle of Treasure Trove Cove will not play a tune or change color after players performed Kazooie’s Beak Buster technique on them.
» Stop 'n' Swop in Banjo-Tooie
Upon finding a mysterious egg in the game Banjo-Tooie, players have the opportunity to bring it to Heggy who will hatch it and provide them with unique rewards. Also, it’s important to note that the transfer function for these rewards is only available in the re-released version of the game. In total, there are only three of these mysterious eggs available to be found, while one of them can already be found and hatched inside Heggy’s Egg Shed. In addition to the eggs, players can find the ice key, which is hidden within a cave on the right side of the Digger Tunnels. The key can be used to unlock a frozen vault in a cave located in Hailfire Peaks on the Icy Side. To gain access to the cave, players have to first navigate the water tunnels in Glitter Gulch Mine and destroy a rock with Kazooie’s silhouette on it using the Talon Torpedo technique, acquired in the game’s fourth world, Jolly Roger’s Lagoon. Once inside the cave, players will find the frozen vault, which can be opened using the ice key. This will reveal the Mega Glowbo, an item that can be taken to Humba Wumba in Pine Grove in order to transform Kazooie into a green dragon. Kazooie’s Dragon form allows players to spit fire and carry an unlimited supply of Fire Eggs, which can be a useful asset when battling enemies and completing quests throughout the game. It is worth noting that when Banjo-Tooie was re-released for the Xbox 360, players were able to collect all mysterious items of the Stop ‘n’ Swop feature and unlock all of the associated rewards. After collecting one of these items of Stop ‘n’ Swop players would automatically receive the rewards in all subsequent games in the series, including Banjo-Tooie and Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. Also, it’s interesting to point out that in the updated version of the game, players can find a new mysterious egg belonging to the Stop ‘n’ Swop II series. They can be found in Jinjo Village and Spiral Mountain, where players were able to find collectibles of Stop ‘n’ Swop in the original Nintendo 64 version of the game.
» Stop 'n' Swop in Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts
In the re-released version of Banjo-Kazooie, players are able to collect mysterious items that can be transferred to Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. In order to initiate this process, players will need to begin their adventure in Showdown Town, at which point a video sequence will appear on the screen displaying crates, along with their respective hiding spots. These crates can be found on spots marked with the silhouette of a Stop ‘n’ Swop item, either on the ground or on the wall, and are color-coded based on the items collected in the predecessor game. Although Stop ‘n’ Swop crates look different from normal ones, their function remains the same. Players can bring them to Mumbo’s Motors, where Mumbo Jumbo will use his magical powers to unlock them. Once the first Stop ‘n’ Swop crate is opened, an achievement will be unlocked, which isn’t required to earn all thousand gamerscores in Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, since it’s worth zero points. By opening a crate, players will earn a special vehicle part that is only obtainable by owning the re-released game Banjo-Kazooie and collect all Stop ‘n’ Swop items in the game. Also, most of these vehicle parts are used as decoration objects for vehicles, so they do not have any special use. However one vehicle part comes with a special function known as the Mole-On-A-Pole, allowing players to find Jinjos in worlds by revealing their locations on the map located in the bottom right corner.