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Blastooie is a prominent character in the Tribalstack Tropics, a location within the popular video game Yooka-Laylee. As an anthropomorphic cannon, Blastooie is accompanied by an unnamed bird companion, and has a brother named Blasto, who appears in Shipwreck Creek. The origins of his name can be traced back to the nature of his weapon. As a cannon, he releases explosive cannonballs that make a destructive wave of highly compressed air spreading outward from an explosion. The last four letters at the end of his name could be a reference to Kazooie, one of the two protagonists in the Banjo-Kazooie franchise, while his brother’s name, called Blasto, further supports the theory. His name can also be interpreted as a nod to the naming convention of the game Banjo-Tooie, the sequel to the video game Banjo-Kazooie. Blastooie and his brother share the same look, but Blastooie is twice as large as Blasto. He is a massive black cannon with small eyes, supported by a wooden cart with iron tires. Although Blastooie appears friendly to those he is friends with, he can become malicious when seeking revenge. Laylee also describes him as a Loose Cannon, an idiom that refers to someone who is unpredictable. In a mission of Tribalstack Tropics, Blastooie requests help from the duo to deliver birthday presents to his friends. However it is revealed that Blastooie actually wants to destroy Mr. Blowy. He asks Yooka and Laylee to use their Buddy Slam on his back so that he can give the presents to his friends. Despite Blastooie’s unpredictable nature and vengeful tendencies, he is a beloved character. His appearance in the game adds an exciting element and his unique personality provides a memorable experience.

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   Today is their birthday … I was hoping you’d help me deliver my presents.

   How ‘useless’ does my cannon look now eh?!

   Did you see that? My cannon ball hit him right in the nose!

   Blam! That’s the last time they mock me!

   Blam! Right in his idiot face!