
Camo Cloak

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The Camo Cloak is a valuable technique that Yooka and Laylee can learn from Trowzer in Hivory Towers. By utilizing the LT Button on an Xbox Controller to crouch and subsequently pressing the B button, Yooka and Laylee can attain a state of light refraction. This enables them to effectively evade detection by Corplet Security Cameras, allowing them to pass by undetected. This ability proves advantageous for exploring new sections and acquiring rare collectibles, such as Pagies without encountering obstructive doors. Additionally, enemies remain oblivious to them while the Camo Cloak is active, providing a convenient means to bypass them effortlessly. It’s essential to note, however, that direct contact with an enemy will alert others into attacking them. The Camo Cloak can also be used to manipulate light-activated switches by positioning Yooka and Laylee within a light source and adjusting their gaze to control the direction of the beam. While utilizing this technique, the Power Meter of the protagonists depletes rapidly, exceeding the drain rate of other abilities, such as the Reptile Roll. It’s worth mentioning that while Camo Cloak is active, the protagonists can still utilize other techniques, such as the Reptile Rush or Flappy Flight, although these actions drain the power meter’s energy at an accelerated pace. To mitigate this issue, the Peekaboo Tonic can be equipped to reduce the energy consumption of the Camo Cloak by half thereby extending its usage duration twofold. An intriguing aspect of this technique is that Yooka and Laylee exhibit a flickering effect, with one eye from each remaining partially visible. It’s worth noting that while real-life chameleons possess the function to blend into their surroundings, bats don’t possess such camouflage capabilities, leaving Laylee’s response to this ability uncertain.

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