
Capital B

650px CapitalBBanner

Capital B is the main antagonist in the Yooka-Laylee series and at the same time a businessman who is the CEO of Hivory Towers, a company that seeks to convert all of the world’s literature into profit to establish a monopoly on the book industry. Capital B’s desire is to create an all-powerful book that is known as The One Book, that will give him the power to rewrite the entire future. His personality embodies the traits of a corrupted and greedy business man that he shows multiple times like paying his vice president, Dr. Quack, just above minimum wage or exploiting others in Capital Cashino to increase his own profits. In the entrance hall of Hivory Towers, there is a large golden statue of Capital B, further demonstrating his narcissistic tendencies. Also, Capital B has little regard for Dr. Quack and treats him poorly, instructing him to bin the vice president statue which he added to the golden Capital B statue, since it throws a bad light on him. Overall, he can be described as often impulsive and angry because he throws tantrums when things don’t work as planned. In Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Capital B sheds his businessman attire and wears an outfit reminiscent of a military general. Due to his evil plans, he was able to acquire the Hive Mind, a special device that allows him to control the Royal Beettalion Guard, but also Queen Phoebee. With the powerful Hive Mind in his hands, he created a Grand Tome in Royal Stingdom that is called the Impossible Lair, which he claims to be unbeatable due to its insane difficulty.

» Battle Procedure

At the beginning of the battle, Capital B hurls beehives at the player, which releases a swarm of angry bees. To avoid them, the player can either use Yooka’s Reptile Roll technique to run away or defeat them with Laylee’s Sonar Splosion. If the player didn’t receive damage, Capital B starts to throw a tantrum, giving him the opportunity to deal damage by using Yooka’s Air Attack or Tail Twirl technique. After dealing enough damage to Capital B, he calls his vice president Dr. Quack requesting reinforcements in form of Corplets. Due to Dr. Quack’s incompetence he accidentally sends two Frostberry bushes along with some blue Corplets, which will give Yooka and Laylee an advantage. Capital B will then fly around and continue to throw beehives, which the player must dodge by using Laylee’s Flappy Flight technique. This process repeats until Capital B says that it is time to move on to the next level. Now the roof will open, revealing green lime acid, whereupon Capital B starts slamming himself onto the ground, releasing a mighty shock wave until his cane becomes stuck, giving the player the opportunity to deal damage to him. After that, Capital B will then send out even more angry bees, which can be avoided by performing Laylee’s Sonar Shield technique. This process repeats until the final phase, where Capital B flies to the center and fires explosive stingers. To defeat him now, the player has to dodge his stingers and ensure that they hit him instead. After taking enough hits, he falls to the ground, signaling the end of the battle.

» Additional Information


   How do a lizard and a bat become friends anyway? That doesn’t make any sense.

   Smile, you’re on CCTV! Seriously, watching you play is really dull.

   Honestly, what’s up with the bat’s nose? I can recommend a good nose surgeon.

   Your amateur moves aren’t worth a dime, for a change I made this taunt rhyme!

   I know who you are, you green goon!