
Chilli Billi

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Chilli Billi is a fiery red dragon with a slender neck and a comparatively small frame, who has his first debut in Banjo-Tooie, where he resides at the peak of the Lava Side volcano found in Hailfire Peaks. Chilli Billi is the brother of Chilly Willy, another dragon with cyan-colored skin who resides on the opposite side of the mountain, known as the Icy Side. As soon as the game’s protagonists Banjo and Kazooie, venture into Hailfire Peaks, they are met with Chilli Billi’s fiery onslaught. Chilli Billi periodically unleashes a deafening roar and launches massive fireballs at them, while trying to impede their progress on his Lava Side. To survive his attack, Banjo and Kazooie have to take refuge in alcoves or buildings, such as the Colosseum. I order to stop Chilli Billi from continuously attacking them, players have to outsmart him by shooting one of his fireballs at a building on the left side of the Lava Side, which reveals a Flight Pad. This allows players to fly up to the top of the volcano, where they confront him in the pool filled with lava. At the beginning of the confrontation Chilli Billi mistakes them for pizza delivery personnel. However, Kazooie corrects him, mentioning at the same time that they are the local Jiggy Hunters and do not have his pizza. Angered by her response, Chilli Billi threatens to devour them in his fiery maw, and the battle commences. In this battle, players must use the cannons around the pool to deal damage to Chilli Billi and force him to surrender. After dealing enough damage, Chilli Billi surrenders and retreats from his Lava Side perch, making him no longer posing a threat. At the same time, it allows players to continue their exploration for rare collectibles and other treasures on the Lava Side without disturbances.

» Battle Procedure

When the battle against Chilli Billi begins, the fiery foe will unleash a barrage of fireballs towards Banjo and Kazooie. These projectiles not only cause damage but also knock the protagonists off their feet. After three attacks, he’ll take a brief pause before resuming his offensive, firing another set of three fireballs. Scattered around the volcano are several cannons, which players must use by firing Ice Eggs inside. These eggs become empowered as they travel through the cannon and land on the fiery fiend, dealing significant damage. After successfully hitting Chilli Billi three times with Ice Eggs, the cannons will sink into the ground, prompting him to lash out with his tongue. To evade his tongue attack, Banjo and Kazooie must execute a perfectly timed jump, but they must not rely on Kazooie’s Flap Flip ability. Now, Chilli Billi will pause for a short time before unleashing another round of fireball attacks, while the used cannon disappears and others rise up from the ground. This process repeats until Chilli Billi’s health points are depleted, at which point he drops a reward for players and departs to Witchyworld in pursuit of Big Al Burgers. It’s vital to mention that his health points can either be six, rewarding players with a Cheato Page, or twelve granting them a Jiggy. Their reward is determined by whether or not players have previously defeated his brother, Chilly Willy, on the Icy Side. Furthermore, it should be noted that as the fight progresses and more cannons are used to damage Chilli Billi, his tongue attack will become more rapid.

» Additional Information


   Forget the pizza, but I’m sure my brother will still want his…

   Have you got my Spicy Meat Special Pizza yet?

   Then I’ll feast on your furry hide once more!

   Lies! I bet you’ve got my 12-foot spicy meat special in that backpack.

   I’ll soon have you licked…