
Fire Egg

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In Banjo-Tooie, Fire Eggs serve as a weapon that Kazooie can use to unleash fiery destruction on her enemies. These Fire Eggs, one of the five types of eggs at her disposal, can be acquired from Jamjars in the game’s hub world Isle O’ Hags on the Plateau outside the entrance door to Glitter Gulch Mine. While Fire Eggs deal even more damage compared to ordinary Blue Eggs, Kazooie can only fire two at a time and initially carry a maximum of fifty, which the player can increase to a hundred by using the Cheato Code Eggs inside the Code Chamber of Mayahem Temple. Upon impact, Fire Eggs ignite enemies they hit, causing them to panic and run around in an attempt to put out the flames. Although the burning effect does not inflict any extra damage on enemies, it can be a useful tool in certain situations, such as lighting up dark sections or melting ice cubes in Hailfire Peaks on the Icy Side. They are also effective in defeating certain enemies quickly, such as Bang Boxes in Glitter Gulch Mine, or Biggyfoots in Hailfire Peaks. It’s worth noting that Kazooie can use her Fire Eggs to activate certain switches, such as the one that unlocks the door leading from the Plateau to the Pine Grove in Isle O’ Hags. In addition Fire Eggs are useful for underwater battles, as they continue to burn even when fired beneath the surface. However, It’s important to exercise caution when using Kazooie’s Fire Eggs, As Kazooie can only fire two at a time, players need to time their shots carefully to avoid wasting ammunition. Additionally, the fiery explosions can cause damage to Kazooie herself, so players should be mindful of their surroundings when using them. In Kazooie’s Dragon form, a transformation that becomes available by collecting the Ice Key of Stop ‘n ‘Swop, she has an unlimited supply of Fire Eggs, which makes her a fearsome force to be reckoned with, but also giving players the opportunity to progress more easily.

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