
Flower Form

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The Flower Form is an advantageous transformation that players can find in the vibrant world of Tribalstack Tropics in the game Yooka-Laylee. Upon finding the Mollycool located on a platform close to Duke’s Temple in the center of the world, the protagonists can initiate the transformation process by handing it over to Dr. Puzz, a human-octopus hybrid, who activates the D.N.Ray. The resulting transformation enables players to adopt the appearance of a flower, which features a thick purple stem, multiple green colored leaves, and a big face that serves as petals, along with a stigma that allows for communication with other characters within Tribalstack Tropics. While in Flower Form the protagonists can communicate with other flowers, which is not possible in their normal form. By interacting with the Plant Bulbs scattered throughout the world players can gain valuable information and uncover secrets within the world. In most cases, Yooka and Laylee will receive advice and tips, but one of the Plant Bulbs asks for assistance. This particular Plant Bulb requests that the protagonists pollinate its siblings, and if players successfully pollinate all Plant Bulbs in Tribalstack Tropics, they’ll be rewarded with a valuable Pagie. Despite its lack of combat abilities, Flower Form can be advantageous in its own way, which is its pollinate ability. However this comes at a cost, as its movement speed is decreased, and it cannot utilize any other abilities of Yooka and Laylee, such as the Buddy Slam. In conclusion, the transformation can prove to be incredibly useful for exploration and solving puzzles within the world of Tribalstack Tropics.

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