
Freezing Furnace

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Freezing Furnace, the fifth playable world in the video game Banjo-Kazooie Grunty’s Revenge, is a frosty and slippery location that poses many challenges to Banjo and Kazooie. It is considered the toughest world in the game, as its many icy platforms and slippery slopes make it really easy for Banjo and Kazooie to take a tumble. In addition, falling into the water means taking damage over time, but fortunately, Mumbo’s squid transformation can render them immune. To the right of the entrance door, Bozzeye can be found, offering the last technique in the game, which is the use of Fire Eggs. With this ability, Banjo and Kazooie can activate certain Toll Machines and melt ice blocks, opening up new sections for exploration. Above the hill beyond the slippery slope, an Igloo awaits, where the last fishing mini-game can be played. Between the massive statue of the Biggafoot and the Igloo lies a cave where Banjo and Kazooie must collect more snowflakes than their opponents to win a Jiggy as a reward. On the right side of Freezing Furnace, a brown stony mountain with platforms can be found, leading to pillars with valuable collectibles. Additionally, a cave can be found inside the brown massive mountain, leading to the area Grunty’s GmbH. This section, reminiscent of Grunty Industries from Banjo-Tooie, takes place in a factory setting, along with an underground mine-like environment akin to Glitter Gulch Mine. The entrance of Freezing Furnace can be found in the top-middle part of the game’s hub world Spiral Mountain, right next to Spiller’s Harbor. However breaking the magic seal blocking the world’s entrance door requires collecting thirty-seven Jiggies in order to activate the Crystal Jiggy in Jiggywiggy’s Temple.

» Klungo in Freezing Furnace

In Freezing Furnace, Banjo and Kazooie come across the henchman Klungo once again, who is hiding inside Grunty’s GmbH. The path leading to Klungo involves navigating through the orange cave and walking left until they find the big Mecha-Grunty statue that sits inside a lava pit. Using Banjo’s Pack Whack technique to press the switch on the ground is necessary to proceed. Once done, Banjo and Kazooie can jump onto the yellow moving platform and shoot Ice Eggs into the Toll Machine in order to lower the flames blocking their path. This leads them to a hallway where the warp platform to Klungo can be found at the end. The combat against the green troll follows the same pattern as previous battles, and defeating him rewards the protagonists with a golden Jiggy and the last Mumbo Token of the game. The Mumbo Token unlocks a new transformation for Banjo and Kazooie, which is the Tank Form. In this form, the duo can fire unlimited bullets that deal significant damage to enemies, as well as shoot open heavy iron doors and obstacles. The Tank Form also allows Banjo and Kazooie to navigate on poisonous grounds without taking any damage, which comes in handy in certain parts of Grunty’s GmbH. However, the Tank Form has a weakness, as colliding with cold water will result in an instant defeat. Nonetheless, it opens up new sections in Freezing Furnace that are inaccessible in the normal form. Additionally, they can revisit previous worlds like Bad Magic Bayou and access areas that were previously locked.

» List of Collectibles


Jiggy #01: Near the world’s entrance door you can find a toll machine next to a platform that you can activate by using fire eggs. Once done, jump on the platform, which you’ve activated and enter the igloo above, where you must win the fishing minigame to receive a Jiggy.

Jiggy #02: To get the second Jiggy of this world you have to climb up the mountain and enter Mumbo’s Skull to transform the Duo into a squid. After that, jump into the water and swim to the northern area to enter a small cave, where a Jiggy can be found at the tunnel’s end.

Jiggy #03: From Mumbo’s Skull go east until you see a winding ice platform to the south and run across it. Now hit the switch that is located on the ground by performing the Pack Whack technique with Banjo to let a golden Jiggy appear and pick it up before the time runs out.

Jiggy #04: A little more east where you could find the Jiggy Switch there is a cave guarded by a Biggafoot. Defeat him to enter the cave without troubles, where another minigame can be played and collect more snowflakes than your enemies to receive a Jiggy as a reward.

Jiggy #05: To craft this Jiggy you must find all golden nuggets in Grunty’s GmbH and give it to the pail lady. The nuggets are located on top of a tower, in a pool of water, on a ledge inside hot lava, in an area with toxic slime, on a ledge north of the statue and two in the toxic area.

Jiggy #06: Inside the Storage Room that is located south of Grunty’s GmbH’s exit door, there is a Wonderwing Pad on the ground. Stand on the Wonderwing Pad to use it and try to reach the end, where you can find a Shock Spring Pad to jump on the upper level, holding a Jiggy.

Jiggy #07: North and a few ledges up of a golden nugget there is a hole with a gate inside of Grunty’s GmbH. Simply, perform the Bill Drill technique on the hole with Banjo and Kazooie to enter it and use the Pack Whack to spell out Gruntilda on the letter board to get this Jiggy.

Jiggy #08: At the western end of Grunty’s GmbH there is a switch, which can be activated in order to make the platform around the statue move. Jump on it and hit the ice tolls to lower the flames and enter the statue to defeat Klungo at the end of the hallway for the Jiggy.

Jiggy #09: To get this golden Jiggy here, you must find and collect all five blue colored Jinjos that are hidden in Freezing Furnace. As soon as the last blue Jinjo got picked up, a Jiggy will appear in front of the Jinjo Oracle, who is inside the Storage Room of Grunty’s GmbH.

Jiggy #10: To find the last Jiggy of Freezing Furnace you must obtain the Mumbo Token from Klungo first to transform Banjo and Kazooie into a tank. Once done, blow open the door next to Mumbo’s Skull and enter it to run across the platforms in the next room for the last Jiggy.


   Around Bozzeye’s hill near the world’s entrance door (4)

   On the snow platforms leading to the mountain (2)

   Near the entrance of the snowflake minigame (3)

   On the mountain near the entrance of Grunty’s GmbH (6)

   On a slippery ice platform (3)

   Near Mumbo Jumbo’s Skull (3)

   On a small island to the right of the purple mountain (3)

   At the top of the frozen pillar near Mumbo’s Skull (2)

   On a platform inside the cold water next to the waterfall (5)

   Inside the Chilly Chasm (11)

   Near the Biggafoot Statue located at the top of the mountain (4)

   On a small island with a danger sign on it (2)

   Next to a beehive inside Grunty’s GmbH (5)

   Inside the Furnace Storage in Grunty’s GmbH (6)

   In Grunty’s GmbH near two furnaces  (3)

   Inside the Blistering Button’s room (10)

   In Grunty’s GmbH at the bottom of the giant Gruntilda Statue (3)

   Near a danger sign in Grunty’s GmbH (3)

   On the ground that is infected by poison in Grunty’s GmbH (4)

   At the top of the red pipes connecting two furnaces in Grunty’s GmbH (2)

   On the pillars near the giant Gruntilda Statue in Grunty’s GmbH (6)

   Near the entrance door of Grunty’s GmbH (6)

   In the corner of the machine leading to Furnace Storage in Grunty’s GmbH (4)


Extra Honeycomb #01: Make your way to the brown stony mountain and enter the small cave leading to Grunty’s GmbH. As soon as you are inside, enter the conveyor belt machine below to get inside the Storage Room, where you can find and pick up the first Extra Honeycomb.

Extra Honeycomb #02: From the world’s entrance door use the Talon Trot ability to get up the steep slope and enter Mumbo Jumbo’s Skull to become a squid. Once done, jump inside the water near the world’s entrance door and get on the pillar to grab the last Extra Honeycomb.


Jinjo #01: For this Jinjo walk up the steep slope and head over to Mumbo’s Skull to transform the Duo into a candle. Once done, head out and go east until you see an ice cave, where you must flare the dynamite box in front of it with the fire roll technique to grab the Jinjo inside.

Jinjo #02: On a ledge next to Mumbo’s Skull there is a big statue of the great Biggafoot, while near the statue there is an ice block. First, select the fire eggs to burn down the ice cube and after it perform the Bill Drill technique on the loose ground to get the Jinjo off from the statue.

Jinjo #03: Make your way over to the brown stony mountain until you reach the entrance door of Grunty’s GmbH, where you can find some moving platforms southeast. Jump across them and follow the path until you reach the end of it, where you are able to pick up the third Jinjo.

Jinjo #04: From the world’s entrance door head right to the stone mountain and look for a toll machine nearby. Once found, select the fire eggs that you have learnt from Bozzeye and use them on the toll machine to jump across the platforms in order to pick up the fourth Jinjo.

Jinjo #05: To get the last Jinjo of the Freezing Furnace level, head over to Grunty’s GmbH and enter it. Once inside, keep looking for a door that leads to the toxic slime area, where you can find and pick up the Jinjo. However, be careful since Banjo and Kazooie will lose air inside!