
Ghost Pirate

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The Ghost Pirate is a boss who had his first debut in Banjo-Kazooie Grunty’s Revenge. He can be found in the second world, Breegull Beach, where he sails the seas on his wooden ship in search of treasure, including the Jiggy that he possesses. Since he’s known to be greedy and not willing to share his gold, Banjo and Kazooie must engage him in a battle to steal the Jiggy. To battle the Ghost Pirate, players must first defeat Mecha-Grunty, who’s located in Quarry Heights, to receive Kazooie, as she’s required to trigger this event. As soon as Kazooie is obtained, players must find Bozzeye, who can be found near the stone dock on the right side of Mumbo’s Skull to acquire the Breegull Blaster ability. To start the battle, players must stand on the golden skull located at the dock and utilize the Breegull Blaster. This will cause the event to trigger, making the Ghost Pirate appear on his wooden ship and commence with a brief dialogue in which he declares that Banjo and Kazooie are after his valuable treasures. During the battle, the old wooden ship of the Ghost Pirate slowly moves around the sea, making it difficult for players to hit him with Blue Eggs while performing the Breegull Blaster. Upon successfully defeating the Ghost Pirate, his ship will slowly disappear from the screen, leaving behind his golden Jiggy that can be collected at the dock.

» Battle Procedure

During the battle with the Ghost Pirate, his wooden ship slowly drifts across the sea, making him a challenging target for players to hit. To defeat him, players must use the protagonist’s Breegull Blaster, which they have acquired from Bozzeye next to Mumbo Jumbo’s Skull, to fire Blue Eggs at him and inflict damage. However, the Ghost Pirate will resist by using the cannons on his ship to launch waves of bullets that players must dodge by moving left or right. It is important to avoid getting hit by these bullets as there are no honeycombs available to restore Banjo and Kazooie’s health points. Therefore, players must be cautious as a single hit could lead to the protagonist’s defeat if they are low on health. After a few seconds of utilizing his cannons, the Ghost Pirate will emerge on his ship and laugh at the player. This provides a brief opportunity to strike with a Blue Egg, dealing damage to him before he retreats back into his ship. As the battle continues, he will repeatedly launch waves of bullets, along with additional bullets appearing based on his current health. If players manage to strike the Ghost Pirate with Blue Eggs three times, another dialogue appears where he will curse Banjo and Kazooie and surrender. As he slowly fades away from the screen, the Ghost Pirate leaves behind his Jiggy, which players can pick up on the dock.

» Additional Information


   Arr, another lubber tryin’ ter steal me gold, is it?

   Yer’ve snatched the gold from under me on eye!

   Well, I’ll give yer a hot iron for yer troubles!

   Salty showers and curses on yer!

   Yer won’t catch me with egg on me face!