
Ghost Writer

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The Ghost Writers are a group of collectible characters featured in Yooka-Laylee. These unique characters play an essential role in the game’s plot, serving as the original authors of the Grand Tomes. However the Ghost Writers unfortunate demise has left them cursed to wander their own creations indefinitely in search of salvation. In the first game Yooka-Laylee players embark on an exciting adventure to explore the game’s vast worlds, solving puzzles, and collecting items. One of the game’s primary objectives is to locate all five Ghost Writers within each world. As soon as players manage to find and collect all five Ghost Writers, they are rewarded with a Pagie, which can unlock new areas for them to explore. Interestingly, the Ghost Writers derive their name from the real-life term Ghostwriter, which refers to an author who writes some or all books, but allows another person to put their name on the book as the writer. In Yooka-Laylee, the authors are also ghosts, adding a clever double meaning to their name. Each Grand Tome features five different types of Ghost Writers, each with unique behaviors that make them tricky to acquire. Normy, the yellow humanoid Ghost Writer, likes to hide in secluded sections and must be found before it can be collected. Ann-Gree, the red demon-like Ghost Writer, enjoys a good battle and will attack the protagonists when they approach. Once it has been hit three times, it will be satisfied and can be collected. Evie, the green snake-like Ghost Writer, enjoys being chased and will flee from players whenever they approach. Therefore players must act quickly and touch it to pick it up. Heidi, the blue cloaked Ghost Writer, starts off invisible, and the protagonists must use Laylee’s Sonar Shot ability to reveal it, while they can hear its giggling from a distance away. Fee-Dee, the pink large mouthed Ghost Writer, is easy to please as it is always hungry. Because of that, the protagonists must feed it with Frostberries or Bomberries, and Fee-Dee will allow itself to be grabbed. Overall the Ghost Writers play a crucial role in the Yooka-Laylee franchise, adding an exciting element to the gameplay while each presents a challenge, making the game more thrilling and engaging.

» Ghost Writers in Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair

The second installment of the series Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair introduces the Ghost Quills, the successor of Ghost Writers from the previous Yooka-Laylee game, with a new function and appearance. The Ghost Quills have taken the form of a classic Quill and are available in five different colors, each with its own behavior. These quills are primarily found hidden in breakable crates or floating in mid-air, ready for players to collect and begin their challenges. Once players have collected a Ghost Quill in the game they will be presented with a variety of challenges, such as the collection of all classic Quills within a certain time limit, or jumping on the head of a Ghost Quill multiple times, which changes its position with each jump, to earn rewards. These rewards usually consist of a bunch of Quills, or a special collectible known as a Quillion, represented by a crown floating above, which is worth ten Quills. These Ghost Quills are essential if players aim to unlock all Tonics, as they require a certain number of Quills to purchase them. Although most of these Ghost Quills are optional for a one hundred percent completion, it is highly recommended to find and complete every Ghost Quill, as some contain a T.W.I.T Coin, a necessary collectible for achieving a one hundred percent completion. However, players should note that the difficulty of finding Ghost Quills increases as they progress through the game. Thus, it is imperative that the protagonists keep an eye out for these elusive Ghost Quills in order to maximize their potential in the game. In conclusion, the Ghost Quills offer a new layer of excitement to the entire gameplay of Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. The challenges which they provide are entertaining and rewarding, while their role in unlocking Play-Tonics makes them a valuable commodity. Because of that, players should actively seek out these Ghost Quills to unlock all Tonics in the game.

» Additional Information


   Ghost Writers are we, this book we made, free all five, and a treasure we’ll trade!

   Capturing one ghoul, impressive indeed, but to free us all, new tactics you’ll need!

   Collecting Ghost Writers, it’s fun. But in this demo, you can collect only one!