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The Glide technique is a valuable addition first introduced in the game Yooka-Laylee, obtainable from the salesman Trowzer within Hivory Towers at no cost. It bestows Laylee with the capability to assist both herself and Yooka in traversing vast gaps and descending from significant heights unscathed. The functionality of the Glide technique parallels that of the Feathery Flap technique employed by the red bregull Kazooie in the game Banjo-Kazooie. To execute the Glide ability, the player must hold down the green A button on an Xbox Controller while airborne, after performing a Double Jump. Activating this ability grants Yooka and Laylee a slight upward boost and allows them to modulate their descent by holding down the button. However, Laylee’s use of this move is subject to a limited time frame, after which Glide ceases and they descend naturally. The Glide ability assumes a crucial role in game progression, particularly for accessing the second Grand Tome in Hivory Towers, namely the Glitterglaze Glacier. While the Glide technique is active, Yooka and Laylee can seamlessly execute other maneuvers, such as the Buddy Slam or Yooka’s Lizard Leap, to engage opponents and overcome various obstacles. Furthermore, the duration of their airborne presence can be extended through the use of other moves, such as Yooka and Laylee’s spin attack, thereby augmenting their reach and enabling them to access more remote areas in the game. Notably, Yooka and Laylee’s Glide ability surpasses its Banjo-Kazooie counterpart, the Feathery Flap, in both airtime and reach. This grants the protagonists the advantage of covering greater distances and accessing more distant sections throughout their exiting adventures.

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