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In the Banjo-Kazooie series, Honeycombs are essential units of health that serve as the player’s health bar. Whenever the protagonists, Banjo and Kazooie, suffer damage either from an enemy or hazardous terrain, they lose a health point, represented by a honeycomb. Certain adversaries and fall damage can cause the loss of multiple Honeycombs simultaneously. However, they can replenish these units of health by collecting them from defeated enemies or bosses, Beehives, or by searching in worlds, such as the Gun Chamber of Cauldron Keep in Banjo-Tooie. Furthermore the maximum amount of health points for the protagonists, Banjo and Kazooie, can increase by collecting Extra Honeycombs scattered throughout the worlds. Also, in the final puzzle located at the top of Gruntilda’s Lair, players are able to double the health bar’s size. In Banjo-Pilot, players can collect items from a pool by flying through a floating Honeycomb. The contents of the pool of items vary based on the player’s current position within the race ranking. Although, Honeycombs appear in Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, they do not serve as collectible health items. Instead, they serve as items to complete the Jiggy-Challenge hosted by Lord of Games in Spiral Mountain. In conclusion Honeycombs are a vital aspect of the gameplay in the Banjo-Kazooie franchise. They serve both as a measure of the player’s health and a means to get unique items from a pool.

» Honeycombs in Banjo-Tooie

In the game Banjo-Tooie, honeycombs have made a return and function in the same manner as they did in Banjo-Kazooie, which is to regenerate the health points of the protagonist’s life bar. To increase the health bar of Banjo and Kazooie, players must find and collect Empty Honeycombs much like in the previous game. However, in Banjo-Tooie, players must collect a specific number of Extra Honeycombs that increases with each exchange, instead of collecting six of them in any order. This exchange is made by delivering the collected pieces to Honey B, the Queen Bee, and in return, she provides a honeycomb, which increases the player’s maximum energy capacity by one. Apart from the regular honeycombs, the game features two additional types, including the Skill Honeycomb and Mystery Honeycomb. Skill Honeycombs are less common than regular oes and are more challenging to obtain. Once players collect them, the Honeycomb meter will flash one by one past the amount players wish to heal or hurt themselves. In this case, players have to press the B button at the appropriate time in order to stop the meter at the full gauge to earn the highest amount of health points, which will heal them fully. In contrast, the Mystery Honeycombs are similar to Skill Honeycombs but more tricky to find. Instead of flashing in a specific order, the gauge will flash at different times, making it difficult for players to land on the flash that actually benefits them. To receive a benefit from these honeycombs, players must be quick and press the button B to stop the gauge from flashing and determine whether their Honeycomb gauge will go up or down. Furthermore, in Banjo-Tooie, different transformations have differently sized energy bars, as do Banjo and Kazooie when separated, by using the Split-Up Pads. Additionally, Mumbo Jumbo, a playable character in the game, also uses his own size of honeycomb health bar.

» Additional Information


   Mmmm … I’m sticky tasty honey energy!