Jinxy is a sphinx in the game Banjo-Kazooie, known for his large size, immobility, and his ability to communicate with the game’s protagonists. Found in the game’s sixth world, Gobi’s Valley, Jinxy sits near the world’s entrance platform, with many collectibles placed on his back and feet, such as Blue Eggs, Musical Notes and Wading Boots on his tail. One particularly useful element is the Flight Pad on his back which Banjo and Kazooie can use to explore the expansive world of Gobi’s Valley. While Jinxy cannot move, he can speak, and he complains of a stuffed nose when Banjo and Kazooie approach him. To help him out, the duo must aim and fire Blue Eggs into each of his nostrils, tickling his nose and causing him to sneeze. With his nose cleared Jinxy will open a small door at his base, allowing the protagonists to enter him. Inside Jinxy’s hollowed-out body, players will find a big empty room with several Flying Carpets. On the walls, there are multiple statues in front of a flying carpet. The protagonists must aim and fire Blue Eggs into the statues in order to raise the flying carpets for a short time. On these carpets, players can find Musical Notes, Jinjos and even a Jiggy on the last one. On the backside of the room, there is a Mumbo Token, guarded by a larger version of the enemy Grabba. Interestingly, Banjo and Kazooie must help Jinxy clear his nose every time they leave and re-enter the world. This means they must repeatedly aid Jinxy to gain access to his interior. In the sequel game, Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts, player can find several portraits in the game’s third world called Banjoland, while one of them shows Jinxy.
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✤ By dose is all blocked up!
✤ Hey! Dat tickles!
✤ Ahhh … that cleared Jinxy’s nose. Come on in!