
Mouse Form

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In the first handheld game Banjo-Kazooie Grunty’s Revenge, the pink shaman Mumbo provides the player with four unique transformations, one of which is the Mouse Form. This special form is essential for accessing small entrances like holes, and chewing through ropes and chains. As a matter of fact, the Mouse Form is the first transformation that players encounter in the game. To unlock this special transformation, Banjo and Kazooie must first defeat Klungo, the henchman of Gruntildin Winkybunion, in Cliff Farm, collect the Mumbo Token, and bring it to Mumbo Jumbo at his pad. While being in the Mouse Form, the player benefits from doubled movement speed and the ability to chew through ropes and metal chains by using the B button. This skill is particularly important, since it’s required a few times in the game, such as freeing six chained Breegulls that are located in Breegull Beach, which yields a Jiggy upon completion. However, the Mouse Form lacks the ability to inflict damage on enemies, making it the only transformation in the game that cannot attack. Moreover, the Mouse transformation comes with a limitation which is the fact that the player will lose all of his hit points, once he collides with water or other liquid pools while being transformed. Despite this the Mouse Form’s small size allows the player to access hard-to-reach places making it an invaluable transformation throughout the game. For instance in the Crag Mill located within Cliff Farm, the player can use the Mouse Form to activate an elevator by chewing on the ropes of a nearby lever, to collect a Jiggy. The Mouse Form can also be used to enter the rafters of Bluff Barn, where players can find another Jiggy of the world, along with some Musical Notes. Lastly, this transformation is required later in Spiller’s Harbor to enter a sandcastle and in Freezing Furnace to enter a block of ice next to Mumbo Jumbo’s Skull, where the player will find Jiggies and other collectibles. Overall, the Mouse Form is a special transformation with a specific set of abilities used for navigating through tight spaces, but also for breaking through ropes.

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