
Playable Characters

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As every Rare 

PLAYABLE CHARACTERS The game features a total of nine playable characters. Banjo, Kazooie, Mumbo Jumbo and Jinjo are playable from the start, while Humba Wumba, Gruntilda, Klungo, Jolly Roger, and Bottles can be purchased from Cheato.

Like nearly 

Each character can 

Competing in races will reward the player with some Cheato Pages based on their placement, while collecting musical notes in a race will multiply the amount of pages earned. These pages can be used in Cheato’s Shop to unlock new stuff like new playable characters or modes.

There are five unlockable characters in Banjo-Pilot, each with a different set of stats. You may have to unlock a couple before you realise which character is good for you. Or just unlock the fifth and then you’ll realise straight away which character that is.

Just to make sure you don’t put the game down too early, Rare’s hidden a whole handful of neat surprises in the game as a treat for those who play through all of the modes and try to complete everything to the best of their ability. If you’re unable to unlock everything, have a look at the descriptions below for some help.

» List of Contents


Lucky Loser
Find the Bronze Egg that is located above the tree stumps in Spiral Mountain.

Better Than A Slap
Obtain the Silver Egg that can be found behind the waterfall of Spiral Mountain.

And The Winner Is

Pick up the Golden Egg that is hiding in a cave located behind the Jinjo Village.

Now Who’s Boss
Successfully defeat all the bosses in replay mode in less than fifteen minutes.

Character – Klungo
Beat the Skull Cup in Grunty’s Grand Prix to unlock Klungo.

Character – Gruntilda 

Complete all the Cups in Grunty’s Grand Prix to unlock Gruntilda.

Character – Jolly Roger

Beat the Pumpkin Cup in Grunty’s Grand Prix to unlock Jolly Roger.