
Privacy Policy

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Banjocomet’s Privacy Policy outlines the procedures and protocols governing the collection and use of personal information by the Website Operator. Furthermore, this policy outlines the types of personal information that are collected by Banjocomet, and how they’re used in relation to the provision of products and services. The Privacy Policy also covers the choices available to users in relation to the use of their personal information, including how they can access or update their personal information on the website. Moreover, it also describes the rights the Website Operator reserves in the event of a Data Breach, as well as the measures taken to safeguard the security of all user data. On Banjocomet, the importance of protecting the privacy of users is recognized and as such, comprehensive security measures have been implemented to safeguard personal information. Users have the full right to protect their personal information and are free to request the removal of their data from Banjocomet’s database. By accessing and using the Banjocomet website, users and visitors agree to be bound by the Privacy Policy set below. If they do not wish to be bound by the Privacy Policy they may not access or use the website. Banjocomet’s Privacy Policy is subject to modification by the Website Operator at any time, and users will be notified of any future changes. Also, all modifications to the Privacy Policy will be effective immediately, and users as well as visitors have to periodically review the agreement. By continuing to access and use Banjocomet’s services, users provide conclusive acceptance of the Privacy Policy. Users are encouraged to review the Privacy Policy regularly to ensure they’re aware of any modifications.

» Personal Identification and Security

The website implements a comprehensive set of procedures and protocols to ensure the privacy and security of personal information. Banjocomet may collect personal information from visitors in various ways, such as when they sign up for a free account, contact the Website Operator for support, or provide feedback on any services. In the future, visitors may be asked to provide their name and email address in order to subscribe to monthly newsletter. However, users will always have the right to decline such requests. The Website Operator takes the privacy of all users very seriously, and the Website Operator only collects such personal information when it is voluntarily submitted by a user. Visitors on the website always have the option to refuse to provide personal information, although this may limit their ability to engage in certain activities on Banjocomet. In addition to personal information, the website may collect non-personal identification information whenever users interact with Banjocomet. This includes data such as browser name, computer type, operating system, IP address and may the internet provider. All personal and non-personal information are stored on the Website Operator’s servers in a controlled and secure environment that is protected by the hosting provider, called easyname, from all unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. The Website Operator maintains administrative and technical safeguards to protect against any unauthorized access, use or modification of personal information in his control and custody. However, no data transmission over the internet or wireless network can be guaranteed to be completely secure. While the Website Operator makes every effort to protect the personal information of Banjocomet’s visitors and users, he acknowledges that there may be security and privacy limitations beyond his control. Despite his best efforts to prevent unauthorized access, it is possible that personal information or data may be viewed or even tampered with in transit by a third-party. All users should be aware that the security, integrity and privacy of information and data exchanged between them and Banjocomet can’t be guaranteed for a hundred percent.

» Data Usage and Web Browser Cookies

The Website Operator is committed to collecting and using personal information in a responsible and professional manner. The primary goal is to analyze this information to provide users with a personalized and enhanced experience when using the website. This information is gathered in an aggregate form, allowing the Website Operator to understand how users and visitors interact with certain services provided on Banjocomet. To continually improve it, he strives to incorporate feedback and suggestions from all visitors and users. This feedback is gathered through various means, such as email inquiries and requests and is used to update the website Banjocomet and offer new services based on user needs. Also, visitors and users who opt in to the mailing list will receive regular updates on the latest news about Banjo-Kazooie, Yooka-Laylee, and the website itself. They may unsubscribe from these emails at any time by clicking the button provided at the bottom of each email. To ensure a safe and secure browsing experience for visitors, the website employs the use of web cookies. Cookies are known as text files placed on a hard disk by a web page server and are used to personalize the online experience. These files cannot run programs or deliver viruses to a computer and are uniquely assigned to each individual user. Cookies can only be read by a server in the domain, meaning they are solely used for Banjocomet in question and only assigned to the user when they visit Banjocomet. Cookies are used to collect and track information for statistical purposes, enabling the Website Operator to operate Banjocomet and all associated services effectively. Users and visitors are given the opportunity to accept or even decline web cookies at any time during their visit, while most browsers will automatically accept cookies. However, visitors and users can also modify their browser settings to decline all website cookies if desired. It is important to note that by declining cookies, some features on Banjocomet may not function correctly or be visible due to missing content. In the event that users encounter any problems or have concerns regarding their personal information or website experience, they can get in touch with the Operator by using one of the contact services. This ensures immediate cancellation of any subscriptions or rectification of other issues. Banjocomet takes data privacy and security seriously and is dedicated to providing a safe browsing experience for all users.

» Data Breach and Amendments

As the operator of the Banjocomet website, he takes data protection of users and visitors on the website seriously. He recognizes that protecting the privacy and security of Personal Identifiable Information is crucial in today’s digital age. Therefore, he assumes full responsibility for ensuring the security and privacy of users Personal Identifiable Information. Also, the Website Operator is committed to protecting all Personal Identifiable Information from any unauthorized access and disclosure to unrelated third parties. The Website Operator of Banjocomet uses state-of-the-art security measures to ensure that his website Banjocomet is as secure as possible. However, he acknowledges that no data transmission over the internet is secure for a hundred percent. In the event of any breach of security, he will take all necessary measures to investigate and report the incident to the appropriate authorities. In the case of a data breach, he may will cooperate with law enforcement authorities to ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice. He maintains a policy of promptly notifying affected users if he believes that there is a reasonable risk of harm resulting from the data breach. This will include information about the nature of the breach and any steps that affected users can do to protect themselves. Furthermore, the Website Operator strongly encourages all his users to keep their Personal Identifiable Information updated and to report any suspicious activity immediately. This proactive approach helps the Website Operator to detect any unauthorized access or data breaches early on, which is crucial in minimizing any potential harm to his users. The Website Operator reserves the right to update the Privacy Policy at any time, and encourages all users and visitors to regularly check this page. By reviewing this page regularly, all users and visitors will stay informed about how the Website Operator protects their personal information and how they can access and update it. He also emphasizes that any modifications, updates or other changes to this agreement will be immediately effective, and the continued access on the site will be considered the conclusive acceptance of the agreement.

» Account and Personal Information

Banjocomet offers visitors the opportunity to unlock additional features and benefits by signing up for a free account. Using a free account, visitors can enjoy a personalized profile that can be customized to their preferences and the ability to post comments without completing a Captcha security. In addition, there may exist exclusive pages on Banjocomet that are only accessible to registered users, while non-users will be redirected to a previous page. If visitors decide to create an account, they agree to be bound by Banjocomet’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Services. The registration requires users to provide personal information, both required and optional. Required personal data are username for identification purposes, a password for secure login, and a valid email address for receiving account notifications like password change requests. Optional data are a biography or a website that can be added to the user’s profile, although this information is not mandatory for creating an account on Banjocomet. Furthermore, it’s crucial to note that the Website Operator reserves the full rights to remove or modify personal information from a user’s account or close the account if it has any misleading or discriminatory content, sexual content or any other inappropriate content. By using Banjocomet, all visitors and users agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service and understand that they will be held accountable for any behavior that goes against these terms. Therefore, the Website operator urges visitors and users to read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Services thoroughly to ensure comprehension of the regulations and responsibilities involved. By signing up for an account, they acknowledge their acceptance of the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service and their agreement to abide them in their entirety.