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In Banjo-Kazooie, the Pumpkin transformation is featured in Mad Monster Mansion, the seventh world of the game. Unlike most transformations, with the exception of the crocodile form, it does not possess unique abilities. Its principal advantage lies in its reduced size, which enables Banjo and Kazooie to access areas that would otherwise be inaccessible. In Mad Monster Mansion, the pumpkin transformation is required for obtaining several collectibles. For example, after using Kazooie’s Rat-a-tat Rap ability to break a window, Banjo and Kazooie must transform back into a pumpkin to enter the opening. Once Inside, they’ll encounter broken wooden floorboards, with an Extra Honeycomb hidden beneath one of them. Also, the pumpkin form is used for entering a small gray pipe near the entrance door of the haunted mansion. This transformation allows them to squeeze inside and collect a Jiggy suspended within a barrel, which is otherwise inaccessible by normal jumps. Across the window with the broken wooden floorboards is Loggo the toilet. He indicates that a Jiggy is within him, but Banjo and Kazooie need to be in a smaller form, such as the pumpkin transformation, to be flushed down the pipe and retrieve it. Outside the main world in Gruntilda’s Lair, the pumpkin is required to enter the haunted shack. After breaking through an iron gate in the normal form, Banjo and Kazooie must transform into a pumpkin to fit through the gap and access the shack. This step is required for game progression, as it allows them to press a switch within a coffin to raise the water level in the lobby of Rusty Bucket Bay. Furthermore, the pumpkin transformation is needed to traverse a hole in the wall behind Brentilda in the lava-filled room leading to Mad Monster Mansion. By following the small path, players will meet a huge red book whose name is Cheato, who provides a code to pick up additional Golden Feathers.

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